the Jojo Lands

The JOJOLands, the ninth part of Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, follows Jodio Joestar, a 15-year-old living in Hawaii with dreams of immense wealth. In this tropical, crime-filled setting, Jodio embarks on a journey that entangles him in a world of mystery, supernatural Stands, and personal ambition. With each new encounter, he faces challenges that test his morals and resilience, diving into themes of ambition, power, and identity.

Araki’s distinctive artwork and surreal storytelling style bring The JOJOLands to life, mixing classic JoJo’s elements with fresh twists. Known for its intense Stand battles and layered narrative, The JOJOLands appeals to longtime fans and newcomers alike, offering a fresh perspective in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure saga.